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Analyse BHP
Why did TSLA move?
Could you summarise the key points from the lasting earnings of APPLE?
What does EBITDA mean and how is it calculated?
Analyse BHP
Why did TSLA move?
Could you summarise the key points from the lasting earnings of APPLE?
What does EBITDA mean and how is it calculated?

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Analyse BHP
Based on the information provided, here is the analysis of BHP: Stock trend analysis: The latest price of BHP as of September21,2023, is57.47 USD, which is below the mean target estimate of65.6875 USD by analysts. The support price is56.35 USD, and the resistance price is58.71 USD. The profiteer ratio.

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Why did TSLA move?
Based on the articles in the context, it seems that there are a few reasons that may have contributed to the movement of TSLA stock. One reason is that Tesla has been cutting prices on its models this year, which has led to an increase in demand and sales volume. Another reason is that Tesla is reportedly in

Quick financial summaries

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Could you summarise the key points from the lasting earnings of APPLE?
Based on the information provided, here is a summary of Apple's latest earnings report: Earnings Data: Net profit for the period2023Q3 was $19.88 billion, compared to $21.74 billion in the same period last year.

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What does EBITDA mean and how is it calculated?
EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a financial metric used to measure a company's operating performance and profitability before accounting for non-operating expenses and non-cash items. EBITDA is calculated by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization expenses to a company's net income.


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